Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Taking it easy, one step at a time...

You know... this is the most stressfull time of the year, but we need not to loose focus (because of our stress levels)

Here are some tips to get you going with your portfoio hand-in.

0) Pray: Ask God to give you the strength and will to concure this.

1) Just chill, dont worry...Get enough rest and some good food
maybe throw in a good movie while your at it. (This must only be done in one day preferably before you start working on your portfolio)

2) Make a list of all the things that you have to have done for each module, e.g: Design or DKD

3) Start working on the Group of work for the day, and tick it of your list after you have completed.

4) Remember to reward your self each time some work is completed...Go for an ice cream break coffee. (Not more than 30min, you dont wanna waste time)

5) Never take a nap for a break...this always back fires, rather take a walk, or drink some water or maybe make a phone call

6) Remember to print in time 3 to 4 days before your hand in.

7) Practice your prisentation (if you need to).

8) Pick you outfit, for that occasion.

9) Remember to organise people that will help u pin up your work (if you have a lot of work).

10) Now you can kick back and relax, awaiting your portfolio day.

11) Pray: Thank God for being with you through it all!!!

                  ****AFTER PORTFOLIO!!!****
     Pamper your self, you deseve it...Sleep like a baby :)